Fuji Elevator and Escalator
Ease your life with Fuji Escalator Solutions
Fuji Turkey, one of the leading escalators and elevators companies in the world, has recently implemented the commercial breakthrough project in Africa and the United Arab Emirates, not being indifferent to the sectoral developments in Africa and Arabia geography. The firm is interested in moves such as public projects, private enterprises in African and Arab countries. In this context, Fuji Turkey is ready ever to engage in all kinds of commercial operations, including government tenders.
We make everything easier with our Escalator Projects.
Escalator systems are unique tools in all aspects of human transport. Among the advantages of escalators, we can count its space occupation, passenger safety, the simultaneous and uninterrupted service to large masses, time-saving activity and aesthetics.
Fuji Moving Walkways offer and provide maximum safety,
reliability, and cost-effectiveness. The Walkways provide the opportunity to lift to 6 meters in height with a nominal pallet width of 800 mm or 1000 mm at a nominal transport speed of 0.5 m/sec.
Its walking paths provide the highest degree of user safety in daily use and offer safety features such as railing and balustrades made of unbreakable glass. It has been developed for the transportation of people and luggage trolleys in public areas, airports, and other public transportation venues.
Outdoor escalators
User safety is our top priority. The sensors inside our escalators ensure that the system is automatically stopped in risky situations and the possible danger is reported to the control room. Our products include sensor cable line and fire extinguishing system against fire hazards.
To facilitate flexible design, it is available in a variety of different tilt angles (23.2º / 27.3º / 30º) and from 3m to 21m depending on various step widths (800 mm and 1000 mm). Each step is designed with features such as comfort and safety, resistance to harsh weather conditions such as heavy rain and snowfall.
Information and Communication Mr. Uygar +90 (507) 651 41 21
Information and Communication Mr. Barış +90 (539) 321 56 09

Metro Corner Avm Sözleşme İmzalandı
Metro Corner Avm / Sancaktepe – İstanbul
Asansör ve Yürüyen Merdiven anlaşması sağlanmıştır.

38.Yapı Fuarı 2015
38.Yapı Fuarı 2015
Fuji HD Asansör AŞ olarak Fuarda Standimizi ziyaret eden dostlarimiza ve ayrıca fuara gelemeyen fakat başarı dileklerini belirten tüm meslektaşlarımıza Teşekkür ederiz.
We would like to thank to all our Colleagues Who has visited our TURKEYBUILD fair stand as well as Who has wished for our success